Self portrait, circa 2016

Greetings! I'm  Mike.

I am a photographer, fine-art painter, graphic designer and poet based out of Minneapolis, MN.

I'm a multifarious artist, which means I dig lots of stuff. I dig photography, film and digital. I dig impressionist oil painting. I dig graphic design, writing poetry, singing and playing music, and acting. My passion is to create works of art that I love and others can enjoy.

I was born and raised in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, which is where I attended high school and discovered my talents for painting, acting, singing, and writing. I pursued poetry at the University of Minnesota, taking four semesters of poetry workshops with Shana Youngdahl, Michael Walsh, and Michael Dennis Browne as instructors. Since graduating from the Carlson School of Management, I have been involved in a real estate photography small-business start-up, worked as a graphic designer and am now self-employed.

"But wait!" One might say. "Where did you get your education in photography, painting, and graphic design?" A question to which I usually reply, "I didn't." I like to tell people that I am an independently-enlightened artist, which, but for graphic design (thanks, again, KW), is true.

My wife and I, along with our two young daughters and two young sons, live in Crystal.


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